Transformation of a male child into an adult male, takes a long & difficult journey. He is aware about his physical, psychological changes; but does not understand its scientific reasons. He begins believing the unauthentic & non-scientific information in some information, which is mostly misleading. He feels embarrassed to ask about his predicament to parents, teachers or other people. He is confused about his sexual arousals, hormonal upsurges and relentless attraction towards opposite sex. He is ignorant about the menstruation in women, conception, sexually transmitted diseases and how to behave with opposite sex. This book is intended to guide such
adolescent boys and their parents
On the threshold of youth
– Binding : Paperback
– ISBN13 : 9789385665868
– Language : English
– Publication Year : 2017
– Author: Dr. Avinash Bhondwe
– Product Code: VPG17134
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