Indu, her family and friends live as semi-nomads in poverty stricken rural Maharashtra, where losing just becomes a way of life. They nourish hopes and aspirations despite facing a seemingly endless array of challenges and for Indu the transition from daughter to wife and then to mother is a natural sequence of a life that she is determined to celebrate. When tragedy strikes, the insecurities and vulnerability that is the result of the past configuration of a sexist society resurface. It is also a time when the human spirit takes wings and soars untethered. Clay horses is an insightful and moving commentary on the institution of marriage in rural India. How does Indu seize the joys and contentment in the life? In an era where we struggle with the complexities of relationships, how does she use her natural feminism to stay committed and show that interdependence is essential for love to triumph?
Clay Horses
-Binding: Paperback
-Language: English
-Publication Year: 2022
-Author: Shirish Thorat
-Product Code: VPG19259
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